Bent Cops

Home | INTRO | 1 Home Invasion (drugs) | 2 SIS and Police cover up a case of manslaughter | 3 Home Invasion (guns) | 4 Dick Dastardly | 5 Intimidation | 6 Gates dont walk do they? | 7 Provocation | 8 Shots Fired | 9 Half Baked Rambo | 10 Depositions | 11 The Trial | 12 The flag pole | 13 The Stalker | 14 Ku Klux Klown | 15 The deer head | 16 Private Prossecution | 18 Assault | 19 Falsified Document | 20 Daniel and Luke | 21 Watching and Bessetting | 22 Simon James | 23 Attempted Murder | 24 Contempt of Court | 25 Rogues Gallery | 26 Extortion | 27 Credit where its due

8 Shots Fired

8 Shots Fired

Then for the next 3 to 4 years the Police turned a blind eye to a continuous campaign of provocation, assaults, firearms offences, intimidation, vandalism and theft by Britton, his son Mathew Britton, Angus Mars, Hayden Irvine, and a few other young poisoned and manipulated fools with nothing better to do.


And then came Roe's final word on the matter.




23 September

Officer in Charge (Gary Patterson)

Wanganui East Community Policing Centre


As per our discussions, I have attached the correspondence relating to the latest allegation made against BRITTON by Jack (Sandra) VAN DER LUBBE.

In brief, on September 19 at about 1540 hours VAN DER LUBBE (Sandra) contacted the Bell Street Police Station on 111 to inform us that DONALD BRITTON had fired shots from a rifle towards his (her) house.

I went and obtained a written statement in my notebook from VAN DER LUBBE at his address and this is reported on a job sheet.

(Roe did not interview the witnesses separately as is required in bona fide investigations and he in fact he only bothered to interview 2 out of the 6 witnesses to the incident. Britton and myself and he buggered off back to town without disarming Britton which allowed him to fire a couple more shots over our house.)

Later that day, at 1922 hours, I spoke with DONALD BRITTON, who acknowledged he had been up the valley shooting that day, but denied aiming any shots in the direction of VAN DER LUBBE.

There was no corroboration of VAN DER LUBBE'S allegations, other than the other members of his family agreeing with everything he said. (That was a lie and the tape I made of the interview proves it.)

On 22.09 I was contacted by Sandra VAN DER LUBBE and advised her that because of this lack of corroboration and the existing domestic problems between them, no further action would be taken on this complaint as Police had insufficient evidence to pursue a prosecution in open court. (Compare that with what Judge Willy said about the veracity of my family in 16 PRIVATE PROSECUTION.)

She was quite happy to accept this and began to give me a long list of previous wrongdoings alleged to have been committed by BRITTON. (Do you see the contradiction in that statement?)

I forward this for your information as there is if necessary grounds which may assist in revoking the firearms licence of BRITTON should this become necessary to ensure the safety of the parties involved. (What grounds? He's just finished saying that there was insufficient evidence to do anything.)


Sergeant C647




This is how the Police react when they haven’t got an agenda.

9 Half Baked Rambo

