Bent Cops

Home | INTRO | 1 Home Invasion (drugs) | 2 SIS and Police cover up a case of manslaughter | 3 Home Invasion (guns) | 4 Dick Dastardly | 5 Intimidation | 6 Gates dont walk do they? | 7 Provocation | 8 Shots Fired | 9 Half Baked Rambo | 10 Depositions | 11 The Trial | 12 The flag pole | 13 The Stalker | 14 Ku Klux Klown | 15 The deer head | 16 Private Prossecution | 18 Assault | 19 Falsified Document | 20 Daniel and Luke | 21 Watching and Bessetting | 22 Simon James | 23 Attempted Murder | 24 Contempt of Court | 25 Rogues Gallery | 26 Extortion | 27 Credit where its due


and other scum
An expose` of corruption and perversity in the New Zealand Police.


"All members of the New Zealand Police have key roles to play in building and maintaining safer communities together. Those of us who have the privilege of holding the office of constable - that is, being sworn police officers - carry special powers to help protect life and property, preserve the peace, uphold the law and prevent and detect criminal offences. These powers come with important responsibilities. Chief amongst them, New Zealanders have a right to expect the highest standards of ethics, integrity and conduct from their police officers."   Rob Robinson, Police Commissioner.

NZ Police standards of conduct.

 The following standards of conduct are expected of all police officers:

Honesty and integrity

Fairness and impartiality

Respect for people.

Respect for confidentiality.

Obedience to the law and lawful orders.

Reasonable exercise of discreation.

Efficient performance of duties.

Not damaging the reputation or relationships of the Police.


Every standard was ignored to some extent in the following cases/incidents.

An extract fron a NZ Police website.

Dealing with the Police

In New Zealand, relations with the Police are good. In part, this is because the public has clear rights and obligations when dealing with the Police. The Police may not act arbitrarily; the public is expected to act responsibly.


