Bent Cops

Home | INTRO | 1 Home Invasion (drugs) | 2 SIS and Police cover up a case of manslaughter | 3 Home Invasion (guns) | 4 Dick Dastardly | 5 Intimidation | 6 Gates dont walk do they? | 7 Provocation | 8 Shots Fired | 9 Half Baked Rambo | 10 Depositions | 11 The Trial | 12 The flag pole | 13 The Stalker | 14 Ku Klux Klown | 15 The deer head | 16 Private Prossecution | 18 Assault | 19 Falsified Document | 20 Daniel and Luke | 21 Watching and Bessetting | 22 Simon James | 23 Attempted Murder | 24 Contempt of Court | 25 Rogues Gallery | 26 Extortion | 27 Credit where its due

15 The deer head

15 The deer head


Donald (he may not have brains but he's ugly) Britton on Speed’s track taunting me with a severed deer head. We later recovered the head from where he had hidden it in some gorse and found that the ear tag had been pulled out. 'Look, I've been killing your deer.' At “night-time” of course, that is "my prerogative" after all. That's when I sneak around (like a coward) and "do things." He also indicated to me by hand signals (beware the tape recorder) that he'd shot four deer on our farm. I knocked his arse in by telling him that he had shot four of his own deer that he "had a receipt for."

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